NEW Feature: MCT Live!

I’ve been kicking this idea around for a while since I started with “Meier! in a Crowded Theater” – it’s time I put it to action.

As of next week, I will be starting a new every-once-in-a-while feature I’m calling “MCT Live,” and it goes like this:

Step 1: I choose a movie to sit down and watch for the first time.
Step 2: I log on to Twitter as @MEIER_in_a_CT.
Step 3: You log on to Twitter and follow @MEIER_in_a_CT (if you don’t already).
Step 4: You read (and if you like, respond to) my tweets as I’m watching the movie.
Step 5: You go to the next day and find the entire live-blog (Warning: I WILL post anything I’ve chosen to retweet during its formation – obscenity censored) under “Meier! in a Crowded Theater”.

I’ve chosen a doozey for the first MCT-L: Gone With the Wind. These beginning entries will be devoted toward well-received “classic” movies that I shamefully admit to have never seen before. Truth be told, my primary objective as of late is to watch every movie included in the American Film Institute’s chosen 100 best list – both the original AND the ten year editions. I have about 65 on each list watched so (*pulls up calculator, mashes keys in a jumble a bit*) that leaves about 40 to 50 more to go.

Keep checking the Reply section of this article periodically to find out what day and time next week I’ll start the live-tweeting (I will reveal when some time this weekend). I’m excited to try this, and I hope you find great enjoyment from it too. See you there!

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